Writer’s note: For whatever His reasoning, God tends to work in my life through cataclysmic, over the top means and blessings.  He leaves very little room for me to misunderstand what He is doing!  Last week I received another of those cataclysmic, over the top, blessings.  As I was mentally processing this blessing, it occurred to me that perhaps you readers would enjoy hearing the stories of my life.  So, the next several columns will be written regarding the subject: The Stories of My Life. – Brother Aaron

“To say that I was flabbergasted, humbled, blessed, and totally shocked by the selfless expression of love bestowed upon Marianne and me tonight by the churches of the Troup Baptist Association, would be the understatement of the year!  In forty plus years of pastoral ministry I have NEVER had anything like this happen.  I’m speechless.  I’m just numb.  Tonight at the Annual Troup Baptist Association Pastor & Wife Christmas Party, the churches of the association, unbeknownst to me that it was going to happen, presented Marianne and me with a top of the line Toyota Highlander!  I’m sure more words will come later – but all I can say right now is, “Thank you!”  I am truly blessed and humbled.  Thanks to all!  I love you all!”

I wrote the words above around midnight on the night of the party.  That evening, I experienced some things that I have never experienced in forty plus years of pastoral ministry.  First, I have never been the recipient of a love gift on the financial magnitude of this one.  Secondly, no church has ever been able to surprise me.  Somebody always lets the proverbial cat out of the bag.  And third, I have never been rendered so completely and utterly speechless.  I had no words.  I was stunned!  Need I tell you that all three of these things happened that evening?

It is almost one week later as I am writing this column.  It has taken me that long to process some powerful life-lessons God taught me by this event.  First, God taught me that I am not a good recipient of His blessings.  By nature, I am a giver.  That’s what I do.  God used this to teach me to be quiet and to be just as blessed in receiving as I am in giving.  Honestly?  It’s a hard lesson!  Secondly, He taught me that He is in control.  Pastor Jim Butler, of Hillcrest Baptist Church in LaGrange Georgia, who was the Sparkplug behind this event, told me the following story.  He said he wasn’t going to tell Marianne about this, but God spoke to him and told him explicitly to call her, tell her what was going on, and to tell her to not let me buy a car.  She told Jim I wasn’t in the market for a car.  However, unbeknownst to her, that very day I had spoken with my good friend Dr. Paul Baxter.  He was going to trade-in his car for a new one.  He had a nice car.  I told him to just tell me what they offered him on trade and I would just buy it.  When I told Marianne, she almost had a stroke!  She called Jim and told him that he wasn’t going to believe what happened!  Third, He reminded me that He knows my needs and will meet them.  Fourth, He reminded me that I am loved more than I ever imagined by the people who comprise the churches of the Troup Baptist Association.  And finally, He allowed me to see, hear, and experience the sheer joy derived by those who gave.  (And I think their greatest joy was seeing me truly surprised, blessed, humbled, and speechless!)  

Will Rogers once said, “Not everybody can march in the parade because somebody has to stand on the street corner and wave as they go by.”  Yes, God indeed taught us in His Word that it is more blessed to give than to receive.  But sometimes you have to be the one who stands on the street corner to receive with joy, gratitude, and humility what others are presenting to you – in love!

What a blessing!  What a lesson!  What a Story of My Life that I will repeat as long as I live!

Brother Aaron