Our Actions Matter

  Our actions matter. Our choices matter. What we do matters. And what we don’t do matters as well. In his book: “Mastering the Seven Decisions That Determine Personal Success,” author Andy Andrews tells about one of the network news shows naming Norman Borlaug...

Harmonic Resonance

Everything in life has what is called: Harmonic Resonance. In the simplest terms, this can best be explained as an internal frequency that, when it encounters an external force emitting the same frequency, causes the internal frequency to vibrate. Picture in your mind...

Red Roses in a Coca-Cola Vase

It was just a simple red Coca-Cola bottle vase that contained six red roses. And while it may not have appeared special to anybody else; it was a great treasure to me. Let me explain. A couple of weeks ago I mentioned in a sermon that we should give people roses while...