We live in an age of instant information overload.  Something can happen in the deepest reaches of Africa, and within minutes everybody in the world has been made aware.  We e-mail, Facebook, instant message, tweet, snap chat, and who knows what other venues we use to communicate?  And sometimes we even resort to actually speaking to somebody on a telephone or in person! 

Yes, social media is the reality of our day.  However, Carey Nieuwhof made an interesting statement when he said, “Churches with a strong online presence have seen it negatively impact physical attendance (but likely increase their reach).”  And regarding social media, somewhere along the way I came across this, “Social media has created a ‘loneliness crisis.’  At the end of the day the inbox is full, but the living room is empty.”

The purpose of my Encouraging Word today is not to bash social media.  My purpose is to remind us that, even in a day of declining church attendance, as Andy Stanley said, “What we celebrate gets repeated.”  And as Carey Nieuwhof said, “The more you prioritize families, the more families will prioritize Sundays.”

Guys, I’m afraid that somewhere along the way, in our efforts to grow bigger and better churches and have programs for Jesus, we stopped celebrating the victories in the lives of our church families.  And the less we celebrate/prioritize them the less they prioritize church.  I’m convinced that, just this week, somebody did something, didn’t do something, accomplished something, or experienced something that is worthy of both your personal celebration and the corporate celebration of your church members.  Do I know what it is?  No!  But you do!  My Encouraging Word to you today pastor, is simply this:  Become a Better Celebrator!