And The Seasons Change

“To every thing there is a season.” Ecclesiastes 3: 1 KJV

School is back in session; to say the least, college football had a wild weekend this past weekend; NASCAR drivers have started their race for the cup, baseball playoffs are in full swing, and Cracker Barrel already has Halloween stuff on display. All of these are poignant reminders that the seasons are about to change.

It has been said that the only constant in life is change and the more things change the more they remain the same. Yes, to every thing there is a season – even you and me! It seems as though we just get use to doing things a particular way and the seasons change. We are forced to adjust our lives to the conditions the new season imposes upon us. Yet, in the greater scheme of things, the changing seasons of our lives are predictable. The Creator God of the universe set them in order. Yes, to every thing there is a season – again – even you and me.

In springtime the grip of winter’s chill begins to give way to the warmth of a new season. Tiny sprouts that have lain dormant for the winter begin to break through the soil. Life begins to break out all over. As the poet so aptly put it, “The year is at the spring, and the day’s at the morn; morning’s at seven the hill side dew-pearled; the lark’s on the wing; the snail’s on the thorn: God’s in His heaven – All’s right with the world.”

And the seasons change.

Soon the tiny sprouts are full grown plants. With courage and determination given only by the Master, they face the searing summer sun and with great pride they bring forth the fruit He designed them to produce.

And the seasons change.

There is a crispness in the air. The frost is on the pumpkin. The time of springtime’s tender sprouts and the summer’s searing sun are but fading memories. There is apprehension and perhaps a little fear at the thought of the impending winter season that is approaching. But the decision is made – now – while there is still life – that a glorious display of color – a “hallelujah shout” will be given to the Creator by His creation.

And the seasons change.

It is cold now. There is a sense of death in the air. All is quiet. All creation faces this season and humbly bows its head before the Creator and surrenders back that which came from Him in the beginning – life.

But in the coldness of the winter a little seed waits below the surface, listening for the voice of its Creator. Then, as in the night season so long ago, the Creator steps out upon the vastness of nothing and calls life from death by whispering, “Let there be …”

And the seasons change.

Regardless of where your life journey may have taken you, or regardless of the life season you are encountering today, my encouragement to you is to hold to God’s unchanging hand. Put your faith in Him. For in just a short time the seasons will change! Are you ready?

Bro. Aaron

You may contact Brother Aaron at 1-800-511-9536, 706-302-9162, or via e-mail at:  It would be his privilege to speak at your revival, special emphasis event, or regular church service.