One of my preacher friends, Jonathan Pike, sent me the following.  It is from Adrian Rodgers.  I thought you might enjoy it.

“A Greek named Demosthenes was once addressing a bored and listless audience, so he told them a story.

‘Once there was a man struggling with a great load. Along came another man with a donkey and said, ‘Rent my donkey, and he’ll carry your load.’  He did.  Later, as they tried to find relief from the hot sun, they began to argue over who owned the donkey’s shade.

At this point, Demosthenes walked off the stage. The audience became agitated, wanting to know how the argument was resolved. Demosthenes returned and said, ‘Earlier, I was talking about issues of life and death, and you were bored. But now you’re all worked up about who owns the shade of a donkey!’

Demosthenes’ audience was a simple-minded bunch. They tuned out issues of serious truth but were entranced with the trivial. How about you?”

Guys, the point is, as serious as the problems are in our world today; we don’t have time to be arguing over trivial matters! (Who owns the shade of a donkey!)  So, my Encouraging Word to you today is:  Keep the main thing the main thing!

I prayed for you today.  And I hope you preach good Sunday.  Remember:  Let ‘er rip, Tater Chip!

Brother Aaron