One of the biggest challenges facing leaders is learning to keep a proper perspective regarding the ministry and the people they lead.  Often, as the old adage goes, leaders come to a point where they, “no longer see the forest for the trees.”  They lose perspective.  And when this happens, what used to be black and white turns into shades of gray and they find themselves paralyzed by the decision making process.

One of the easiest ways I have found to correct this situation is to take a 10,000 foot view of the situation.  In other words, look at the “big picture.”  Effective leaders don’t allow themselves to become bogged down in the minutia of the ministry. The leader’s job is to keep the ministry on track and moving toward the stated objectives of the ministry.  This means they remove personalities from the equation, remind themselves of the purpose of the ministry, do a correct assessment of the ministry, make the necessary course corrections, assign responsibilities to those they are leading, and then exact accountability for what they assigned.

Effective leadership is not doing the task yourself.  (Reread that last sentence!)  Effective leadership is getting others to work together to do the task.  If you’re doing – you’re not leading!

Remember guys, you’re the one that sees the big picture.  It’s up to you to be the traffic cop who keeps everything flowing in the right direction!  If you’re bogged down in the minutia you’ll lose perspective.  And when you lose perspective – failure is imminent!

Welcome to being a leader!

Brother Aaron