Whether in the Spiritual realm or the physical, effective leaders have learned the importance of making the right decision regarding costs versus added value.  Several truths are at play here.  First, less expensive doesn’t necessarily mean less valuable.  Sometimes a volunteer who costs the ministry nothing adds more value than a fully-funded staff person.  Secondly, sometimes we have to pay for the talent or resources we need to move our ministry to the next level.  We get what we pay for.  Thirdly, we can’t always allow our lack of financial resources to dictate our decisions.  Faith is a factor that must have a seat at the table.  Often, I have heard leaders say that they cannot afford to do something that will add the value their ministry needs.  The reality is – they can’t afford not to!  And while there is a fine line between faith and foolishness, forty years of pastoral experience has taught me that when ministry decisions are made based more upon the value they will add rather than their costs – the funding will come!  However, as the leader, it’s our job to know when this is the case and when it is not!  It is imperative to learn how to make the right ministry decisions regarding costs versus value!  These decisions are made through much prayer, much counsel, by seeking consensus from the leadership team, and by listening to that “gut feeling” the Holy Spirit places in our belly!  Guys, if it doesn’t feel right, most likely it isn’t!  And hey, sometimes, even when it foes feel right – it isn’t!

Welcome to being a leader!

Brother Aaron