I have been in ministry for my Lord for thirty-nine years. Somewhere along the way I ran across the story you are about to read. I make no claims of originality and if I knew the author I would give the proper credit.

The story is told of a woman that absolutely loved to spend her Saturdays going to Garage Sales. (Or Yard Sales as we call them in the South.)

One particular Saturday she persuaded her husband to accompany her on her quest to find “bargains.” As they arrived at one particular home she quickly busied herself sorting through the bargains. Soon, boredom and curiosity got the better of him and he wandered “off limits” into the garage and began to look around. He noticed a big blue tarpaulin in one corner of the garage. He walked over to where it was and lifted the corner to see what it was covering. He discovered that there was a partially disassembled motorcycle underneath.

As he stood looking at the gigantic pile of parts that used to be a motorcycle, he heard a voice behind him inquiring if he could help him. The voice belonged to the man that owned the motorcycle – and the garage! He explained to him that he had gotten bored and was just looking around. Then he asked him if he wanted to sell the motorcycle, to which he first said no. However, after the two men spent a couple of hours visiting, talking, and getting to know each other, he agreed to sell him the pile of parts/motorcycle for $35.00.

The man loaded the pile of parts into his truck and took them home. For a couple of months they remained piled beneath a tarpaulin in his garage. Finally, he decided to work on the motorcycle. He got the serial number from the cycle and called the local dealer and told him what parts he needed.

The next morning the man was surprised to receive a call from the President of Harley-Davidson. The President asked if he would verify the serial number he had given the dealer. He did. The President then asked the man if he would remove the seat and see if there was anything written underneath. He discovered two words written under the seat: “The King.” The President of Harley-Davidson offered the man $300,000, sight unseen, for Elvis Presley’s motorcycle. The next day Jay Leno called and offered him $500,000.

I have shared this story with you today to make the point that we often feel as though our lives are scattered into a thousand pieces and are of little or no value. However, if our hearts have been autographed by “The King,” (Jesus Christ) then we are joint-heirs with Jesus to everything the Father owns. Our value exceeds our wildest imagination!

The question I pose today is: Has Jesus autographed your heart? Is His serial number (John 3:16) engraved upon your life? If so, you will discover that what you consider to be a pile of disassembled, useless, junk parts – becomes priceless when autographed by The Real King.

I’m glad Jesus autographed my heart a long time ago!

Brother Aaron

To schedule Brother Aaron to preach a Sunday service at your church, a revival meeting, or a special event, you may contact him at: 1-800-511-9536, 706-302.9162, or e-mail: freshfire@mindspring.com