Many years ago I heard about a man who was retiring after spending his entire working career with the same manufacturing company.  The company gave him a party.  At the party it was stated that during his career he only worked for two supervisors.  Somebody asked which supervisor he enjoyed working for best.  Without hesitation, he called the second supervisor’s name.  When asked why, he replied, “About halfway through my time with the company my momma became very ill.  I had to take personal leave time to care for her.  On my first day back to work my first supervisor met me in the parking lot.  He began to tell me how glad he was I was back, how badly things had went on my job while I was gone, how nobody could run my job like me, and just how happy he was that I was back.”  He continued, “Shortly thereafter the company changed my supervisor. Unfortunately, my momma got sick again and I had to take another personal leave.”  Continuing, he said, “The difference in the two supervisors is that when I returned to work from the second leave, the second supervisor, just like the first one, met me in the parking lot.  However, the first words out of his mouth were, ‘How’s your momma?’  He was more concerned about how ‘I’ was doing than how ‘my job’ was doing!”

The Bible teaches us in Ecclesiastes 11:1(KJV), “Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.”  Solomon is teaching us to believe that ultimately, we will benefit from our good deeds.  So, what’s my Encouraging Word to you today?  It’s simply this: Learn to be more genuinely concerned about people than your career or your job.  In love, learn to invest into the lives of those in your sphere of influence.  I promise; if you will, the investment will come back to you.  Galatians 6:7(KJV) “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”  By the way, when’s the last time you did a random act of kindness (anonymously) for somebody?  You might want to think about that!

Hey, I hope you preach gooooood Sunday.  Let ‘er rip, Tater Chip!

I prayed for you today!

Brother Aaron