We all enter 2017 on a journey from somewhere to somewhere else. (Reread!)

The late Truett Cathy, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Chick-fil-A, gave us a wonderful guide to life, that if applied, will help us navigate 2017 and the rest of our lives successfully.  He teaches that success in life comes when we know Who our Master is, what our mission is, and have carefully chosen our mate.  What a simple formula.  Master.  Mission.  Mate.

Master:  In our quest to achieve success, reach the pinnacle of our chosen profession or vocation, or be successful in our family life, it is easy to leave God out of the equation.  We convince ourselves that we will make time for God when the new job settles down, when the bills are paid, when we do not have to travel as much, when the children are a little older, or when we have more time.  Suddenly, we look around and discover that it has been five, ten, fifteen, or more years since we have taken time to attend church and  humbly reverence our Savior by worshiping Him in spirit and truth.  And despite how “successful” our lives may seem, deep inside we know something is missing.  Life is out of balance.  We have neglected a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Is 2017 the year you re-balance your life by getting in balance with God?

Mission:  There is nothing more comforting and rewarding than knowing why God placed you on this earth (your purpose for being) and living in that purpose.  I wonder how many reading this Pastor’s Column lost sight of their life-mission long ago.  When you started it was an all-consuming passion.  But somewhere along the way life happened.  Now, you just mechanically and methodically plod through the established routines of your life – with only fleeting memories of a dream surrendered long ago.  Is 2017 the year you reengage in the pursuit of your life-mission?

Mate:  I am absolutely 100% convinced that I did not have to choose my mate.  God chose her for me.  All I had to do was have enough sense to realize what God was doing – and not mess it up!  I still remember the first time I saw her.  I was like Thumper in the movie Bambi.  I got all twitterpated!  There was a heavenly aura about her.  Beams of heavenly sunlight were emanating from everywhere.  And in hushed tones, I turned to my buddy and asked, “Who is that chick?”  And he replied, “I don’t know.”  And I said, “I don’t know either.  But I’m gonna get a date with her.”  Six months later we were married.  Now, forty-two years, four children, seven grandchildren, and one great-grandchild later, she still cranks my tractor!  She is the one with whom I want to grow old.  I later discovered that she was checking me out too.  She asked her girlfriend who that fine specimen of a hunk of a man was! (Ha! Right!) Have I always done things just right during our marriage?  No!  But I have had enough sense to keep enough of my attention devoted to her so that she never forgets that she is the one God made for me.  Is 2017 the year you give your spouse the attention they deserve?

2017 is here.  What a great year it would be for all of us if we aligned our lives with Truett Cathy’s formula for success:  Master.  Mission.  Mate.

Happy New Year!

Brother Aaron